UK government embraces cloud-based tech at ports

28 Sep 23

In a landscape of rapid digital transformation, UK port operations are not lagging behind. With the support of the UK government, the digital trade solutions business and DP World company CNS (Community Network Services) have rolled out the latest in future-proof port technology.

This cloud-based system is poised to revolutionise port technology in the UK and beyond. In this blog, we’ll delve into the features of the upgrade and explore the widespread technological parallels throughout the logistics sector.

The future of port technology

For over a decade, ‘Compass’ has served as a vital tool for trade logistics at UK maritime ports, playing an indispensable role in communications and trade efficiency. The new system refines the already industry-standard software to accommodate the needs of tomorrow.

The Port Community System (PCS) offers an improved way for businesses to navigate regulatory changes and is compatible with multiple devices. The system aims to automate cargo management and introduce a range of cutting-edge features, helping increasing efficiency.

Introducing the cloud

One of the key advancements of the PCS is its new cloud-based interface. By storing information on a collection of remote servers, it can be accessed anywhere in real time, on desktop and mobile devices with an internet connection. As many involved in logistics will know; cloud computing has been benefitting the sector for some time.

Cloud-based Transport Management Systems (TMS) are fast becoming industry standard. Alongside the aforementioned accessibility and live updates, the technology offers operators easy customisability/scalability, unlimited space to store data and heightened security.

Easy integration

One of CNS PCS’ most compelling features is Application Programming Interface (API). This allows various stakeholders, including importers, exporters, freight forwarders, shipping lines, transport companies and customs brokers to integrate the platform seamlessly into their existing transport systems.

When used in conjunction with a best-in-class TMS, WMS (warehouse management system) and ePOD (electronic proof of deliver), the software solution simplifies data exchange and enhances collaboration among all parties involved in the supply chain.

The Rollout of CNS PCS

With its successful pilot in Belfast, the UK government have confirmed that CNS PCS will become a key element of the data and systems landscape at the border. The ambitious goal is to complete the transition for all ‘Compass’ users in the UK by 2025, extending to ports such as London Gateway and the Port of Southampton.

From the perspective of the government, streamlining port operations isn’t merely about speed or cost-effectiveness; it’s about global competitiveness. An efficient, modern port system will attract more business, benefitting not only the ports themselves but also the broader economy.

The decision to modernise the nation’s port operations with a cloud-based, full-integrated system highlights the speed at which the industry is evolving. There’s simply no place for spreadsheets and paperwork – transport businesses need to follow the government’s example and enhance their operations with a proven, modern and flexible TMS solution.


At TrackTrans, we are pioneers of cloud-based transport technology. Our software suite features a comprehensive TMS, WMS and ePOD that helps you reduce costs, improve decision making and deliver premium service.

As the rollout of CNS PCS continues and businesses adopt software like TrackTrans – the UK trade community can look forward to a more connected and efficient future in port technology and logistics.

Reach the “clouds” today, and try TrackTrans’ transport solution.

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