What the Autumn Budget means for the logistics sector
04 Nov 24
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Paperless technology has revolutionised our everyday lives and saved us many hours, however in many cases these innovations have yet to be applied to the work environment. In the context of the haulage industry, drivers utilise advanced driver assistance systems, but behind the scenes the situation is quite different. Papers have the tendency to pile up as numerous invoices, transport documents and proof of deliveries find their way onto the desks of administrative staff. Before long, the archive is a headache-inducing maze of paperwork!
Finding storage for this glut of administrative material is unfortunately, only half the battle. Long searches for a particular document can be very irritating. Upon a client’s request for verification or information, the hunt through packed filing cabinets ensues, consuming precious work hours. In addition, this often results in outdated documents being unearthed.
TrackTrans presents the means to eliminate all paperwork and uncertainty from your administrative process; introducing fully digitised Transport Management, Job Management and Proof of Delivery systems. Via this innovative new software, you can remain on top of the latest deliveries and traffic alerts. This ensure that all essential tasks have been completed prior to your driver leaving the site.
The platform’s Proof of Delivery feature also maximises the company’s efficiency – simply install the app to your driver’s smart phone, and receive the verification as soon as the receiver of goods signs the screen! These can be distributed to colleagues or customers instantly and automatically via email. This swiftly resolves issues and enquiries with precision, eliminating the need to delve into a mountain of paperwork! On the occasions where paper forms are still necessary, drivers and warehouse staff can employ a scanner or their phone’s camera to submit a documentation for immediate approval from the office team.
By going paperless, certain businesses estimate that they have removed some 150,000 pieces of paper from the consumption cycle – that’s a stack equivalent to the height of a five-story building. This signifies that switching to Tracktrans is not only beneficial to your business, reducing the companies material and labour costs, but also the environment.
A transport company without an integrated system is a fragmented entity; soon to fall behind against the backdrop of industry players that employ a powerful digitised client to control their business. As we prepare to enter the third decade of the 21st century, drowning in paper and spreadsheets should be a distant – albeit, somewhat terrifying, memory. Thorough and simple-to-use, Tracktrans is the definitive solution to transport management. TrackTrans gives you every reason to abandon spreadsheets and embrace the future!
For more information, visit our TMS page.
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